Features overview
Interactive diagram
Import existing resources
Use visual elements for better understanding of data dependencies
Export / Import diagrams
Send plans and that can be easily transformed to Terraform code
Terraform console
Create multiple files in workspace
Easily import existing resources
Use Terraform code generation
Run Terraform commands against entire workspace
Transform files between JSON/Terraform representation
Plan submission and collaboration
Keep track of your changes inside pre-assigned project
Exchange informations with deployment team
Collaborate on plan with other users and deployment team
Plan transformation (Diagram -> Terraform code)
Speed up boiler plate code creation with JSON -> Terraform conversion
Quick deployments
Verify changes on different environment and use features of Terraform to easily apply required changes in your system
Store configuration in remote Git repository
Allow version control and pull request functionality in your configurations from your company's repo
Perform compliance verification
Perform manual verification of configuration stored in code
Write Terraform tests to verify
Last updated