Data structure and processing
PlanApply for Jira Cloud organize data following way:
They are used to contain files with configuration code in different formats.
If using Terraform commands, their are applied against entire workspace
You can push/pull data from workspace into desired Git repository for better usability
Plans are used to create and edit interactive diagrams with a planner. Their original form is JSON file, linked with given plan. It can be reedited in interactive diagram.
Plans can be transformed and linked into workspaces. With that JSON file is written into workspace. It can be later transformed in Terraform console into pure Terraform code.
Plans can be exported / imported in JSON form
Files store all sort of text data (Terraform, JSON, logs, outputs, etc.) and they are linked with a single workspace.
You can rename, edit, create and remove files from Terraform Console
If file format allows it, you can transform it JSON <- -> Terraform in Terraform Console
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