atlcloudjira_priority_sequence (Resource)

Example Usage

import {
  to = atlcloudjira_priority_sequence.SamplePrioritySequence
  id = 1 // It's always 1. It's a global sequence of all priorities in system. It's a virtual resource, other than priority schemes which are available in EAP.

# __generated__ by Terraform
# Please review these resources and move them into your main configuration files.

# __generated__ by Terraform from "1"
resource "atlcloudjira_priority_sequence" "SamplePrioritySequence" {
  sequence = [
      id = 1
      id = 2
      id = 3
      id = 4
      id = 5
      id = 10006
      id = 10007



  • sequence (Attributes List) Ordered sequence of priorities. (see below for nested schema)


  • id (Number) The ID of Priority Sequence. It's always 1.

  • last_updated (String) Timestamp of the last Terraform update of the Priority Sequence.

Nested Schema for sequence


  • id (Number) Priority ID placed in ordered sequence.