import { to = atlcloudjira_priority.SamplePriorityResource id =10014}# __generated__ by Terraform# Please review these resources and move them into your main configuration files.# __generated__ by Terraform from "10014"resource "atlcloudjira_priority" "SamplePriorityResource" { name ="Sample Priority" description ="Sample description" icon_url ="" is_default =false// set delegate_default_to while modifying to false status_color ="#ABCDEF" replace_with = 1 // Required while destroying resource. Priority is swapped with provided priority ID.
delegate_default_to = // Required while setting is_default to false. Default Priority is delegated to provided priority ID.
}resource "atlcloudjira_priority" "ReplacementPriorityResource" { name ="Replacement Priority" description ="Test description" icon_url ="" is_default =true status_color ="#FBCDEF"}
icon_url (String) The URL of the icon for the issue priority.
name (String) The name of the issue priority.
status_color (String) The color used to indicate the issue priority.
delegate_default_to (Number) Helper attribute. Required when setting default to false. Default priority is delegated to provided ID.
description (String) The description of the issue priority.
is_default (Boolean) Whether this priority is the default.
replace_with (Number) Helper attribute. Required when destroying resource. Priority is swapped with provided ID.
id (Number) The ID of the issue priority.
last_updated (String) Timestamp of the last Terraform update of the Priority.